Gavino Puggioni
Vice President for Scientific Program
Dr. Gavino Puggioni is an Associate Professor and the Statistics Section Head in the
Department of Computer Science and Statistics at the University of Rhode Island (URI), where
he also holds a joint appointment with the College of the Environment and Life
Sciences. Dr. Puggioni’s main research interests are in Bayesian methodology for parametric
and nonparametric models, time series, and spatial processes. He collaborates with a wide
range of scientists from other disciplines, including oceanography, ecology, finance, and
behavioral sciences. He is currently funded as a co-PI for a NASA project developing multiple
instrument high-resolution satellite sea surface temperature fields, and from a sub-award from
Brown University NIH – Clinical Translational Research project. He has been the URI lead
statistician in several international development projects in West Africa funded by USDA and
USAID. Dr. Puggioni earned his Bachelors (in 2002) and Masters (2003) degrees in Economics
from Bocconi University, and his Masters (2007) and Ph.D. (2008) degrees from Duke
University. Before joining URI, he conducted his postdoctoral studies at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 2008 to 2009 and at Emory University, from 2009 to 2012.