Priya Kohli
Council Member
Priya Kohli holds a BS degree from the Delhi University, India, and a MS
in Agricultural Statistics from Indian Agricultural Statistics Research
Institute, India and a MS in Applied Probability and Statistics from
Northern Illinois University and a PhD in Statistics from Texas A&M
University. She interned at Robert Bosch LLC – Research & Technology
Center at Palo Alto, CA in the Machine Learning & Data Mining Group. Her
research work at Boschwas accepted as a U.S. patent and a European patent.
Professor Kohli is an Associate Professor of Statistics at Connecticut
College, Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Her specialization is
in the areas of covariance modeling, longitudinal/panel studies, and
multivariate modeling. She actively works in interdisciplinary research
areas including RNA-sequencing analysis, healthcare devices, environmental
sciences, and business and finance. Her research accomplishments include
publications in some of the most distinguished international statistics
and interdisciplinary journals. She has presented her research work at
several prestigious international and national conferences. She has
developed and taught courses like Statistical Computing, Time Series
Analysis, Probability, and Mathematical Statistics at Connecticut College.