NESS Sponsored Webinar Series: Data science in action in response to the outbreak of COVID-19

The New England Statistical Society is proud to sponsor the Webinar Series: Data science in action in response to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Registration is free but required to get a link to the event. The capacity is up to 1000 connections.

  • Friday, 04/17/2020, 11 am EDT, Dr. Peter X. Song: An epidemiological forecast model and software assessing interventions on COVID-19 epidemic in China.

  • Friday, 04/24/2020, 10 am EDT, Dr. Song Xi Chen: Tracking reproductivity of COVID-19 epidemic in China with varying coefficient SIR model.

  • More webinars TBA

The global pandemic of COVID-19 presents challenges as well as opportunities for data scientists to make real-time and real-world impacts. A large body of new data and research results have accumulated rapidly to better understand COVID-19, its transmission, incubation, and impacts on public health, economics, environment, and society, as well as mitigation strategies and vaccine development. Data scientists are playing critical roles on many fronts such as forecasting and mapping the outbreak, designing clinical trials, surveying public anxiety level, and making policy recommendations, among others.

Initiated by the ASA Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science and the Journal of Data Science, this webinar series aims to promptly disseminate the newest data science methods, tools, and findings in response to the outbreak of COVID-19, facilitate the exchange of research ideas, and engage collaborations of data scientists worldwide to make a real impact in solving the COVID-19 crisis.

Cosponsorship, suggestions on the series, and recommendations of speakers are welcome.

Dr. Jun Yan,
Dr. Hao Helen Zhang,