2020 New England Rare Disease Statistics (NERDS) Webinar Series

The New England Statistical Society (NESS), alongside the 2020 NERDS Organizing Committee, is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a series of virtual webinars (Nov-Dec) focused on the current state of statistical and clinical research in rare disease drug development.

We had a very successful NERDS 2019 event last year on Oct 11, where we had over 160 participants get together in Boston. This year we aim to keep the conversation going with several webinars that are aimed to keep our rare disease community connected and informed of recent advances and research.

Registration is now open at https://nerds.nestat.org. Once you register, you will receive notifications and invitations to future webinars, as well as all NERDS announcements.

If you have any question, please contact program co-chairs Jeffrey Palmer (Jeffrey.P.Palmer@pfizer.com) and Daniel Meyer (daniel.meyer@pfizer.com), or NESS Secretary Kun Chen (kun.chen@uconn.edu).

Please help to spread the words, and we look forward to your participation!

Printable flyer