Past Events

NextGen: Data Science Day (Saturday, November 7, 2020)

The NextGen Committee of the New England Statistical Society (NESS) is pleased to announce the 2020 NextGen Data Science Day (DSD) Conference.

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The 25th Pfizer/ASA/UConn Distinguished Statistician Colloquium (October 14)

The department of Statistics at the University of Connecticut is honored to announce the 25th Distinguished Statistician Colloquium. The Pfizer colloquium series ran from 1978 until 2012 and was renewed in 2018. The colloquium series featured C. R. Rao, Bradley Efron, D.R. Cox, Grace Wahba and many more. For a complete list, see The purpose of the Colloquium is to provide a forum for a distinguished statistician to share and disseminate their unique perspective and work in the theory and/or application of statistics. Starting from 2018, the series has been co-sponsored by Pfizer, the American Statistical Association, and the Department of Statistics at the University of Connecticut. 

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2020 ASA CT Chapter virtual travel Course (September 16)

ASA CT Chapter is happy to invite you to register for our upcoming virtual travel course “Shiny Essentials” by Professor Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel 9:00-12:00 EDT on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2020

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2020 UConn Sports Analytics Symposium (October 10)

The UConn Sports Analytics Symposium (UCSAS) focuses specifically on students (graduate, undergraduate, and high school) who are interested in sports analytics. Organized by the UConn Statistical Data Science Lab of the Department of Statistics UCSAS aims to: 1) showcase sports analytics to students at an accessible level; 2) train students in data analytics with application to sports data; and 3) foster collaboration between academic programs and the sports industry.

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ASA-BI-NESS Webinar #23 (May 26th)

We are glad to announce ASA-BI-NESS Statistics webinar #23 on May 26th, 2020 between 9:00 am – 10:00 am EST.

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